How to Clean And Remove Scratches From Your Sunglasses – Catwalk Eyewear




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How to Clean And Remove Scratches From Your Sunglasses

How to Clean And Remove Scratches From Your Sunglasses

Glasses can get scratched pretty quickly, especially if you're not careful. If you don't want to have to replace your sunglasses every time they get a scratch, follow these simple steps to clean and remove scratches from your glasses.

Best way to Remove scratches from sunglasses

If you’ve got scratched sunglasses, you can do a few things to clean and remove the scratches.

The first step is to assess how deep the scratches are. If they’re superficial scratches that can be easily removed with a quick brush, you can just try using mild soap and warm water. However, if the scratches are more profound or more extensive, you may need to use a scratching cloth or a piece of sandpaper to remove them.

Once the scratches are removed, you can clean your sunglasses with a gentle cloth or a spray cleaner and dry them off. Be sure to seal any lens cracks with a clear coating before storing them away.

Best sunglasses scratch service repair

 Scratch lenses can happen with any type of sunglasses, but it's more likely to occur with plastic or metal frames. If your sunglasses get scratched,

If your sunglasses have a scratch, the best place to repair them is usually at home. Alternatively, you can take the sunglasses to a professional repair shop. They can fix the scratch and add any lost detailing or color.

Whichever you decide, be sure to take proper care of your sunglasses to stay in good condition for years to come.


Must have Sunglass scratch repair kit 

That said, scratched lenses are never fun - they make your eyes squinty and tired. Fortunately, there is a way to fix scratched sunglasses lenses without going to a professional.

If you're like most people, your sunglasses get a lot of use. So between using them at the beach, in the park, and at the movies, it's not surprising that they might start to show some wear and tear. 

That said, scratched lenses are never fun - they make your eyes feel squinty and tired. Fortunately, there is a way to fix small tears or scratches quickly and easily with sunglasses lenses without having to go to a professional.


Sunglass scratch repair kit This is a must-have for anyone who frequently uses sunglasses. A scratched lens can significantly reduce your vision, so it's essential to have the equipment to fix them quickly.

Some of the most common tools you'll need include:


-Nail file


-Wire brush


-Oleoresin based adhesive (such as Super Glue)

-Sunglasses cleaning cloth-

-Eyeglass adhesive-

-Microfiber cloth-

-Crayon or marker-







how to remove scratches from mirrored sunglasses

If you have mirrored sunglasses and they've been scratched, there are a few things you can do to fix the problem. 

  1. If the scratch is on the front of the lens, unscrew the lens from the frame and remove it. If the scratch is on the back of the lens, unscrew the arms from the frame and remove them.
  2. Clean off any dirt or dust with a cleaning cloth. Never use steel wool, scouring pads, or chemicals to clean your sunglasses lenses! They could damage them.
  3. Place a small amount of eyeglass adhesive on one corner of the lens. Position it so that it touches both sides of the scratch. Fix in place with screws if necessary. Repeat on the opposite side of the lens.
  4. If sanding is necessary, use fine grit sandpaper to polish away scratches until they are no longer visible gently. Be sure to test your repair kit in an inconspicuous area first to ensure it works properly before using it on your lenses!
  5. Wipe off any adhesive or sanding dust with a damp cloth, and reinstall your lens into the frame.
  6. Put your glasses back on and test the repair by looking at something from a distance. If everything looks good, you're done!

If the scratch is more profound or broader, you'll need to take more steps to fix them. For deeper scratches, you may need to use a scratch remover to remove the surface layer of the lens. For more comprehensive scratches, you may need to use a combination of adhesive and sandpaper to cover the entire area.


how to remove deep scratches from sunglasses

If you’ve ever had to remove deep scratches from your sunglasses, you know that it’s not an easy task. 

If the scratch is on the outer surface of the lens, use a sharp object such as a knife or glass scraper to try to remove the scratch. If the scratch is on the inside of the lens, use a liquid solution such as acetone or window cleaner and a soft cloth. Be careful not to let the solution get into the eye. 

If the scratch is on the coating on the lens, use fine-grit sandpaper and a microfiber cloth.


How to repair scratched sunglasses polarised lens

If you have scratched sunglasses' polarised lens, you can do a few things. However, the scratch might get bigger, and the polarised lenses might no longer work. Here are some tips on how to repair scratched sunglasses' polarised lenses:

- You can try using a polishing cloth to remove the scratches. However, be careful not to polish too much and ruin the lens.

- If the scratches are too big, you can go for a replacement lens. However, if the scratch is not too big and is located in an inconspicuous part of the lens, you can try sanding it down until it is no longer visible.

- If the scratch is located in an easily visible place, you can try spraying a fixative on it and then sanding it down until it is no longer visible.

- If the scratch is in an inconspicuous part of the lens, you can try filling it in with a permanent marker. Then, after it dries, sand it down.

- If the scratch is located in an inconspicuous part of the lens, you can try painting it with a light colour.

- If the scratch is located in an inconspicuous part of the lens, you can try using a clear coat to seal it.

6 DIY Hacks On How To Remove Scratches From Sunglasses

if you don't have a sunglasses kit at home, here are  ingredients you can easily  find at home and also use to remove scratches from your sunglasses:

  1. Blended Baking Soda and Water

A quick hack for cleaning scratches on your glasses is to mix water and soda, which are common ingredients found in homes. In a paste-like texture, combine these two ingredients. Mixing them on a clean surface that doesn't leave marks, then wipe down the lens of your sunglasses with careful pressure to ensure it's scratch-free.

  1. Using liquid dishwashing soap

You can clean your sunglasses with dishwashing soap. First, apply the liquid onto your sunglasses and wash them with lukewarm water. Wait a few minutes for the lens to dry. Then use a gentle cloth to clean your lenses gently. For an added method, mix a few drops of dishwashing soap into the water and spray it into a small glass bottle for use on the go!

  1. Using vinegar

Vinegar is a versatile home product used for multiple tasks, including cleaning scratches on an eyeglasses lens. If you want to clean your eyeglasses lenses with water and baking soda, not just for regular cleaning, replace the water with vinegar. Vinegar will clean your eyeglasses lenses more efficiently and help them appear clearer and shinier.

  1. Use of baby wash

Many baby-specific products are ideal for caring for your children. For example, the kids’ shampoo or body wash is gentle and mild, and you can also use it to clean glasses without damaging them further. In addition, you can use a liquid baby wash on glass surfaces to remove scratches. You should use microfiber cloths when cleaning.

  1. Use of alcohol (additional resources)

When it comes to your health concerns like eyelid twitching, sometimes doctors recommend drinking alcohol for better results. This hack also makes use of the fact that certain types of abrasives are more effective than others and can remove scratches from glasses. The downside is that this process isn’t easy or cheap, and it might not be worth it if you have the option to do something more affordable.

  1. Toothpaste

You can quickly eliminate scratches and maintain your sunglasses with a gentle, quick method. You just need to use toothpaste, so you don’t have to worry about getting it on the cloth and then rinse it off thoroughly.


  1. Glasses cleaning spray

Many still use glasses cleaning spray to clear away dust from screens, a process that is typically gentle, rendering the surface of your screen clear and scratch-free. Though this type of cleaner can help delete minor scratches on your lenses, you must choose one that is not ammonia-based—for example, Opti-Glass Cleaner.

How to Prevent Scratches From Happening in the First Place

If you're like most people, your sunglasses get scratched up pretty quickly. Unfortunately, no matter how careful you are, they always end up with a few scratches here and there. Fortunately, there's a pretty easy way to prevent this from happening in the first place.

If you're like most people, you care about your appearance and want to look your best. That includes taking good care of your sunglasses. Scratches on lenses are all too common. Here's how to prevent them:

  1. Use a protective case or bag when transporting your sunglasses. This will help avoid scratches if they're dropped or bumped around.
  2. Keep your sunglasses clean and free from dust and dirt. This will help prevent scratches from happening in the first place.
  3. Avoid putting your sunglasses in high-traffic areas where they may be knocked around or scratched. Instead, store them in a safe place where they'll be less likely to get scratched.
  4. If you get scratches on your lenses, use a scratch remover to remove the damage quickly.

By following these tips, you can help prevent scratches from happening in the first place and keep your sunglasses looking their best.

If you’re like most people, your sunglasses get a lot of use – whether for outings in the sun or everyday use at home. But even with regular wear and tear, don’t worry – scratches on your sunglasses are relatively easy to fix. by following all steps highlighted above, you can keep your glasses clean.


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