10 Benefits Of Blue Light Glasses – Catwalk Eyewear




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10 Benefits Of Blue Light Glasses

10 Benefits Of Blue Light Glasses

Blue light is one of the most harmful types of light, and we’re constantly exposed to it. Blue light is pervasive from screens on our phones and laptops to TVs and even daylight. The good news is that blue light isn’t just bad for your eyes; it also has some impressive benefits. 

In this post, we’ll explore 10 of them. Blue light glasses are valuable to your health arsenal, from improving sleep quality to reducing stress levels.

Adverse Effects of Blue Light 

Sleep Disruption

Blue light exposure before bed can disrupt sleep, according to a study published in The Journal of Sleep Research. The study found that blue light exposure at night significantly reduced the time participants slept and decreased the deep sleep they experienced. 

 Blue light is emitted from many devices and screens throughout the day, including computers, smartphones, tablets and TV. It is especially harmful to sleep because it stimulates your brain to produce wakefulness hormones like cortisol.

Blue Light May Cause Obesity And Diabetes

Obesity is characterised by an excessive accumulation of body fat, which can lead to health problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and type II diabetes. One study found that blue light exposure can increase the production of Ghrelin, a peptide hormone that signals the body to eat more food. This increased appetite may contribute to the development of obesity.

Diabetes is a condition that causes your blood sugar levels to become too high or too low. Diabetes symptoms can include feeling tired, having trouble controlling blood sugar levels, passing out frequently, or getting foot ulcers. 

Studies have found that blue light exposure can induce insulin resistance in rats, a precursor to diabetes. Therefore, it appears that blue light may be responsible for increasing the risk of developing diabetes in humans as well.

Blue Light May Cause Cancer

Blue light glasses are currently being marketed to reduce eye strain and improve sleep. However, some studies have shown that blue light may cause cancer.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) is an organisation that is dedicated to identifying the causes of cancer. In their 2015 report, they classified blue light as a possible carcinogen. Their research showed that exposure to blue light could damage cells in the eyes and increase cancer risk.

There are many potential dangers associated with blue light glasses. For example, they may impair your ability to see in bright sunlight or during nighttime driving. In addition, they may interfere with your work productivity and cause eye fatigue.

Weigh the benefits and risks before deciding whether or not to use blue light glasses. If you choose to use them, follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully and always wear them while emitting blue light sources, such as laptops, tablets, smartphones, and gaming consoles.

Blue Light Can Reduce Productivity

Blue light is the shortest and brightest range of visible light, and it's often used to boost productivity. Studies have shown that blue light can help you stay awake, improve focus, and reduce stress.

Experts say that blue light is especially beneficial for people who work in front of screens all day. Exposure to blue light before bedtime has been found to help you fall asleep faster and sleep longer. Blue blockers can also help keep your eyes healthy by reducing the amount of harmful UV radiation that reaches your eyes.

Blue Light Can Impair Learning

Blue light is electromagnetic radiation visible to the human eye and can be produced by some electronic devices. However, blue light has been shown to impair human learning, circadian rhythms, and sleep quality. While no blue light-blocking glasses are available on the market, research suggests that wearing blue light-blocking glasses at night may help improve sleep quality and reduce screen distractions.

Blue Light Can Cause Eye Strain

According to the American Optometric Association, blue light can cause eye strain. Specifically, blue light has a quick response time and can penetrate deep into the eyes. This light can cause our eyes to work harder than usual and fatigue quickly. Blue light glasses can help block out this type of light and reduce the strain it puts on our eyes.

Blue Light Can Make You Look Older

When you look at something with blue light, your brain interprets it as a little further away, which may make you look older. In addition, according to an article on WebMD, "blue light can suppress melatonin production and reduce natural energy levels." This could make people feel more tired and stressed after looking at screens all day. 

Blue light also reduces the production of Vitamin D in your skin, making it harder for your body to absorb calcium. Unfortunately, these facts mean you can continue using screens altogether. However, you can still enjoy blue light from devices like computers and tablets by using glasses that filter out blue light.

Benefits of Blue Light Glasses

  1. Improve Sleep Quality: Blue light suppresses melatonin production, which can lead to trouble sleeping. Using blue light glasses before bed can help promote a good night’s sleep. 
  2. Lower Stress Levels: Blue light effectively reduces stress levels. When you use blue light glasses before bed, it helps you relax and fall asleep faster. 
  3. Enhance Memory and Cognitive Function: Blue light effectively improves memory and cognitive function. For example, using it before bed can help you focus better and learn more effectively the next day. 
  4. Improve Eye Health: Exposure to bright lights at night can damage your eyesight over time. By using blue light glasses before bed, you can help reduce the amount of exposure to bright lights and improve your eye health in the long run. 
  5. Prevent Age-Related Macular Degeneration

When To Wear Blue Light Glasses

The benefits of blue light glasses are many. Not only do they help protect your eyes from harmful UV radiation, but they also improve focus and concentration. They can even enhance the quality of sleep! However, there are a few things to keep in mind when wearing blue light glasses:

  1. Make sure the frames fit snugly.
  2. Keep them close to your eyes at all times.
  3. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for how often to replace the batteries.
  4. Avoid using blue light glasses in the evening or at night.
  5. Avoid using blue light glasses in areas with a lot of artificial light.

Can I Wear Blue Light Glasses In The Sun?

There are many benefits to wearing blue light glasses in the sun. However, blue is the most damaging type of light and can cause oxidative stress and damage cells. Research has found that blue light can increase the risk of skin cancer, age-related macular degeneration (AMD), and cataracts. By using blue light glasses during the day, you can protect your eyes from these harmful effects.

Another benefit of using blue light glasses is that they can help reduce fatigue. When looking at screens all day long, your eyes are constantly exposed to a level of reflected sunlight that's much too bright for your body to handle. This Too Much Sun Exposure Warning sign tells you how much time in the day should be spent outside without sunscreen for optimal health. 

The American Optometric Association recommends that adults limit their time reading or viewing screens to an hour per day. If working on a computer at home, try to limit yourself to 30 minutes per session.


Like most people, you probably spend much time staring at your phone or computer screens. Unfortunately, this activity can negatively affect your eyes, including age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Fortunately, there are ways to protect your vision and improve your overall eye health without giving up technology entirely. 

One option is to wear blue light-blocking glasses when using electronic devices. These glasses reduce the amount of blue light that reaches your eyes, which is harmful to the retina. By wearing these glasses when using electronic devices, you can help protect your vision and maintain good eye health.

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